ENISA at CeBIT: The role of cybersecurity within the new digital environment

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ENISA participates at this year’s CeBIT event with its own booth for the first time. With its presence the Agency aims to raise awareness on cybersecurity and the work it delivers on key themes such as:

  • The Internet of Things
  • Smart homes
  • Smart cars and smart hospitals
  • Critical infrastructure
  • Blockchain technology and mobile payments
  • Standardisation and certification
  • Trainings
  • privacy and virtualisation
  • And much more

ENISA experts on-site liaised with visitors providing insights on ENISA’s work generating interest and participation.

ENISA’s Head of Core Operations, Dr Steve Purser delivered the keynote address  at the Global Industry Club at CeBIT’s International Cybersecurity Conference taking place in Hannover. Speaking to German industry representatives on ‘Dealing with technology evolution - from policy development to implementation’ Purser gave an overview on:

  • Economic considerations and how cybersecurity can act as an economic enabler
  • How ENISA works with stakeholders to influence policy development. Key focus areas involved the implementation of the NIS requirements, GDPR and data breach reporting and the new eIDAS regulation on security incidents
  • Aligning skill-sets with industry needs, looking into exercises and the cybersecurity challenge
  • Implementation, and specifically on identifying and spreading good practices using SMART approaches as an example
  • Challenges and opportunities within cybersecurity  

The discussion with Purser continued during the day at the panel on ‘New experiences, challenges and changes in some global conditions - how to manage Cyber Security?’  with representatives from the public, academic and industry sector.


Visit ENISA’s booth

To find out more about the Agency’s work on cybersecurity visit  ENISA  at Hall 6 - Stand E16.

Related material by ENISA:

ENISA's work on IoT and Smart Infrastructures including smart homes, smart cities, smart airports, smart cars, smart hospitals and more

ENISA report on blockchain technology and security

Security of Mobile Payments and Digital Wallets

How to protect critical infrastructures

ENISA study on the security aspects of virtualization

Smartphone Development Guidelines

ENISA online training material

Gaps in NIS standardisation

Challenges of security certification in emerging ICT environments

PETs control matrix: A systematic approach for assessing online privacy tools